Adaptive inference mode "on"
Galiana-Carballo, C., Rivera-Ferre, M.G., Méndez, P.F., Palau-Salvador, G. 2024. Reducing fossil fuel dependency in smallholding farming in l'Horta de València, Spain: A socio-metabolic approach. Ecological Economics, 217,
Méndez, P.F., Clement, F., Palau-Salvador, G., Díaz-Delgado, R. and Villamayor-Tomas, S., 2023. Understanding the governance of sustainability pathways: Hydraulic megaprojects, social-ecological traps, and power in networks of action situations. Sustainability Science, 18, 303–321.
Méndez, P.F. 2021. Blue uncertainty: Warding off systemic risks in the Anthropocene – Lessons from COVID-19. Earth System Governance, 7C, 100101.
Moreno-Llorca, R., Méndez, P.F., Ros-Candeira, A., Alcaraz-Segura, D., Santamaría, L., Ramos-Ridao, A.F., Revilla, E., Bonet-García, F.J., and Vaz, A.S. 2020. Evaluating tourist profiles and nature-based experiences in Biosphere Reserves using Flickr: Matches and mismatches between online social surveys and photo content analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 737, 140067.
Vaz, A.S., Moreno-Llorca, R., Gonçalves, J.F., Vicente, J.R., Méndez, P.F., Revilla, E., Santamaría. L., Bonet-García, F.J., Honrado, J.P., and Alcaraz-Segura, D. 2020. Digital conservation in biosphere reserves: Earth observations, social media, and nature’s cultural contributions to people. Conservation Letters, e12704.
Holzer, J., Adamescu, C. M., Cazacu, C., Diaz-Delgado, R., Dick, J., Méndez, P.F., Santamaría, L. and Orenstein D., 2019. Evaluating transdisciplinary science to open research-implementation spaces in European social-ecological systems. Biological Conservation, 238, 108228.
Méndez, P.F., Amezaga, J.M. and Santamaría, L., 2019. Explaining path dependent rigidity traps: increasing returns, power, discourses and entrepreneurship intertwined in social-ecological systems. Ecology & Society, 24(2), 30.
Fernández-Méndez, R., Rodríguez-Villar, S., Méndez, P.F., Windle, R. and Adams, G.G., 2018. Methodology for the analysis and comparison of protocols for glycaemic control in intensive care. Jour. Eval. Clinic. Prac., 1, 9.
Lumbierres, M., Méndez, P.F., Bustamante, J., Soriguer, R. and Santamaría, L., 2017. Modeling biomass production in seasonal wetlands using MODIS NDVI Land Surface Phenology. Remote Sensing, 9, 392.
Schindler, S., Livoreil, B., Sousa Pinto, I., Araujo, R., Zulka, K.P., Pullin, A.S., Santamaria, L., Kropik, M., Méndez, P.F. and Wrbka, T., 2016. The network Biodiversity Knowledge in practice: Insights from three trial assessments. Biodiversity and Conservation, 25(7), pp.1301-1318.
Méndez, P.F., Isendahl, N., Amezaga, J.M. and Santamaría, L., 2012. Facilitating transitional processes in rigid institutional regimes for water management and wetland conservation - Experience from the Guadalquivir Estuary. Ecology & Society, 17(1), 26. (Erratum: "self-enforcement" should read "self-reinforcement" in every instance referring to path dependence mechanisms)
Santamaría, L. and Méndez, P.F., 2012. Evolution in biodiversity policy – Current gaps and future needs. Evolutionary Applications, 5(2), pp.202-218.
Books and chapters
Méndez, P.F., and Sanchis-Ibor, C., 2024. [Polycentric governance and coordination problems in coastal wetlands: an analysis of the Guadalquivir estuary dredging project.] In Sanchis-Ibor, C. and Ibáñez-Martí, C. (editors). [Coastal wetlands of the Iberian Peninsula]. Tirant lo Blanc: València, Spain, pp. 425-452. ISBN: 9788411834858 [In Spanish] link to book
Boni, A., Méndez, P.F., and Ramírez, M. 2023. [Transitions and socio-technical transformations.] In Belda-Miquel, S. and Boni, A. (editors). [Innovation for social and environmental transformation - A proposal from socio-technical transitions.] Tirant lo Blanc: València, Spain, pp. 45-74. ISBN: 978-84-1183-025-6 [In Spanish] link to book
Molas-Gallart, J., Terrazas-Valdés, P., and Méndez, P.F. 2023. [Evaluation of Transformative Innovation Policies.] In Belda-Miquel, S. and Boni, A. (editors). [Innovation for social and environmental transformation - A proposal from socio-technical transitions.] Tirant lo Blanc: València, Spain, pp. 103-127. ISBN: 978-84-1183-025-6 [In Spanish] link to book
Méndez, P.F., Fajardo-Ortiz, D., and Holzer, J.M. 2022. Disrupting the governance of social-ecological rigidity traps: Can pluralism foster change towards sustainability? In Holzer, J.M., Baird, J., and Hickey, G.M. (editors). Pluralism in ecosystem governance. Advances in Ecological Research. Volume 66, pp. 243-291. ISBN: 9780323989015.
El Serafy, G., Poursanidis, D., Méndez, P.F. and Provenzale, A., 2022. A bird’s view of monitoring and management of marine and coastal protected areas. In Kavvada, A., Cripe, D., Friedl, L. (editors). Earth Observation applications and global policy frameworks. American Geophysical Union, Geophysical Monograph Series. Wiley, pp. 43-66. ISBN: 9781119536765.
Brodnik, C., Keesman, S., Méndez, P.F., Penna, C. and Terrazas, P. 2022. MOTION Handbook - Developing a Transformative Theory of Change. Edited by Alvial-Palavicino, C., Matti, C. and Witte, J. Transformative Innovation Policy Consortium.
Consoli, D., Díaz-Delgado, R., Fernández-Esquinas, P., Fernández-Méndez, P., Marques, P. Monsonís-Paya, I., Oteros-Rozas, E., Perruchas, F., Segura, S., and Woolley., R., 2021. Science, innovation, and knowledge for sustainable models of development. In Moyano-Estrada, E. and García-Azcárate, T. (editors). New foundations for a sustainable global society. Spanish National Research Council: Madrid, pp. 102-128. ISBN: 9788400108823.
Non-refereed publications
Méndez, P.F., 1998. [The aquifer of Guadix and its hydraulic relationship with the iron mines of Alquife (Granada).] Research Bulletin of the Pedro Suárez Institute, 11, pp.25-45. (In Spanish). Available here: link to publication
PhD Thesis
Méndez, P.F., 2014. Facilitating transitions towards adaptive governance and management in estuarine socio-ecosystems: Institutional analysis and action research in the Doñana region. PhD Thesis, University of the Balearic Islands. Available here: link to the thesis
Preprints and conference papers
Méndez, P.F., 2024. Unlocking conflicts and traps: Power and institutional diagnosis for transformative social-ecological governance in a non-ergodic world. Workshop on the Ostrom Workshop 7, Indiana University, Bloomington, 19-21 June.
Méndez, P.F., Adamescu, M., Bertsch-Hörmann, B., Clement, F., Cohen, M., Díaz-Delgado, R., Dick, J., Fajardo-Ortiz, D., Gaba, S., Gaube, V., Halada, L., Holzer, J.M., Izakovičová, Z., Orenstein, D.E., Oteros-Rozas, E., Palau-Salvador, G., Rosário, I.T. and Villamayor-Tomas, S. 2023. Averting lock-in risks in social-ecological systems: a roadmap for pluralistic research and governance. SocArXiv, August 18.
Galiana-Carballo, C., Rivera-Ferre, M.G., Méndez, P.F., and Palau-Salvador, G. 2023. Reducing Fossil Fuel Dependency in Smallholding Farming in L’Horta De València, Spain: A Socio-Metabolic Approach. SSRN,
Méndez, P.F., Fajardo-Ortiz, D., and Holzer, J.M. 2023. Disrupting the governance of social-ecological rigidity traps: Can pluralism foster change towards sustainability? SocArXiv, February 8.
Boni, A., Molas-Gallart, J., Velasco, D., Méndez, P.F., Terrazas, P., and Schot, J. Evaluating transformative innovation policy—Insights from two experimental policies. Eu-Spri Annual Conference, Utrecht, June 2022.
Méndez, P.F., Clement, F., Palau-Salvador, G., Díaz-Delgado, R. and Villamayor-Tomas, S., 2021. Understanding the governance of sustainability pathways: Hydraulic megaprojects, social-ecological traps, and power in networks of action situations. SocArXiv, September 22.
Méndez, P.F., 2020. Blue uncertainty: Warding off systemic risks in the Anthropocene – Lessons from COVID-19. SocArXiv, June 17.
Sample of technical documents
Méndez, P.F., Terrazas, P., Molas-Gallart, J. and Boni, A., 2021. Adaptive Cities Through Integrated Nature-Based Solutions - A guide to the Transformative Theory of Change. A work developed for EIT Climate-KIC`s project ACT on NBS. MOTION Project. Available here: link to document
Gosal, A., Arenas-Castro, S., Bonet, F. et al., 2018. Assessment of status and evolution of ecosystem service indicators. H2020 ECOPOTENTIAL Project Report. Available here: link to report
Santamaría, L., Méndez, P.F. and Sousa-Pinto, I., 2013. Adaptive Management of European Kelp Forests. Recommendations of a workshop held in Porto (Portugal) on May 8-9th 2013, in the framework of FP7 Project Biodiversity Knowledge. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3776.8088. Available here: link to policy brief
Méndez, P.F., Santamaría, L., Amezaga, J.M. and Hearns, G., 2010. Adaptive strategies for natural resources and ecosystems management in Canada. Opportunities and constraints for implementation in Europe. Technical report prepared for the International Council for Canadian Studies. Available here: link to publication
Méndez, P.F., Basterretxea, G. and Santamaría, L., 2009. [Methodology and expert diagnostic. Chapters 3 and 4.2. in IMEDEA: Urban environmental quality and global change. Strategic guidance on environmental sustainability for the Playa de Palma Project.] (In Spanish). Available here: link to publication
Méndez, P.F., 2009. [Interdisciplinary diagnostic of problems and strategic assessment of the Playa de Palma System.] Technical report prepared for the Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies (Spanish Research Council). (In Spanish). Available upon request
Isendahl, N. and Méndez, P.F., 2008. [Water Management uncertainties in the Guadalquivir estuary.] Technical report. NeWater Project. 6th Framework Program EU. (In Spanish). Available here: link to report
Méndez, P.F., Santamaría, L., Amezaga, J., Hearns, G. and Isendahl, N., 2008. [Integration of management and research in the Doñana marshes: Innovative strategies and adaptive Management.] Laboratory of Spatial Ecology, Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies. Policy Brief ILSE-NREM-001. (In Spanish). Available here: link to policy brief
Méndez, P.F., 2004. Habitat suitability study for the Bewick's swan (Cygnus columbianus bewickii ssp.) during its wintering stage in the Netherlands. Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW). Available here: link to report